Housing construction has changed a lot in recent decades. Concepts such as sustainability and energy efficiency have come to play a major role in designing or renovating buildings. The trend is to make better use of natural resources and the use of recycled and reusable materials, sometimes from the house that needs to be renovated.

Use of recycled and reusable materials in reforms

When dealing with a partial or total renovation of a dwelling, one of the main points to be taken into account is related to the materials to be used. Different materials mean different prices, different results and, often, different functionality. Choosing the right materials is key. And that is where the possibility of using recycled and reusable materials comes in, which has several advantages:

  • It reduces the amount of waste, since it is possible to reuse elements prior to the reform itself or recycled elements, either from other houses or from rejection from other industrial sectors.
  • It lowers the price of the reform, allowing the use of high quality materials at bargain prices.
  • It provides personalized and, above all, original finishes.

In principle, almost any building element, and many that have nothing to do with the world of construction, can be recycled, although there are some that lend themselves especially to it:

  • Wood, whether it comes from floors and walls or from shipbuilding, which is resistant and especially suitable for exteriors. Recycling of industrial pallets is also very fashionable today.
  • Ceramic elements. Tiles can be reused for floors and walls if they are not broken, and even if they are broken, they can be used as a decorative element, for example, to create small decorations on walls and floors, to draw the contour of constructive elements such as chimneys or columns?
  • Rubbers. An element that does not seem to be reusable, but rubber is, for example, from car tyres, which have an undeniable insulating capacity.
  • Glass, not only from doors and windows, but any glass, even whole bottles, which can be incorporated into walls and other construction elements.


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