
Having a pool at home is something that the whole family, and friends, will appreciate, especially when it’s hotter, like in the summer months. Since not everyone has either the same space in the home or the same budget, you have to choose between different types of pools to have the one that best suits the tastes and needs of each person.

Types of pools to install at home

One of the main options are the microcement pools, which stand out for their high quality, resistance and style. A special feature of microcement is that it can be used in the old construction pool and take advantage of its structure, with which to have a new pool.

If we are talking about swimming pools, we should highlight them as one of the proposals for the home. They have a very low maintenance cost, although it is usually expensive to build. The soil must be emptied, concrete is projected and coated well so that there is no leakage.

If you do not want to make work, the most successful option is the detachable pools. They can be placed and removed at any time, saved and ready for the next bath season. However, it should be very dry to prevent moisture and proliferation of fungi or mold.

To have a prefabricated pool you have to make a hole in the floor, where the structure of the pool will be placed. Its assembly is not complex and it takes very few days to do so and have it ready to have a good bath with family or friends.

Finally, we can opt for overflowing pools, one of the most current trends. They are built in a similar way to normal pools, although they must have a regulatory tank to achieve the overflowing pool effect.

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