7 tips before making an integral reform in Albir

Is it the first time you are going to carry out an integral reform in your home and you don’t even know where to start? Don’t worry! In this article we are going to help you.

The first thing you should know before starting to reform at home is that, if you don’t plan this whole process, things may end up getting complicated and not going as planned.

Therefore, from Peter Hansen e Hijos SL we recommend you, follow a series of steps to have everything, or almost everything, under control.

What things should you consider before making an integral reform in your home?

Make a list of needs

Now that you are clear that you want to make an integral reform in your home, stop to think about what your real needs are.

Reflect on the areas that really need to be reformed and why. After this, create a list with the areas that you would like to renew, so that when you contact the person, or company, that is going to carry out this reform, everything is clear and this process is streamlined.

Be proactive

Meditate if this new project, in which you are going to venture, is totally viable or if, on the contrary, you don’t think that it will fit your budget.

Also, think about the future, don’t stay with the needs that your home presents at this time, but what you think your future needs will be.

Find a reform company

Unless you are a professional in the field of construction and reforms, our recommendation is to contact a professional in the area.

This will not only advise you on issues such as the viability of your project, but also help make the reform a success.

In Peter Hansen e Hijos SL, we are experts in integral housing reforms in the area of ​​Albir. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need us to help you!

Obtain the necessary work permissions

One of the processes that that holds us back when doing home works is the time to ask for permissions.

Come to the Town Hall of your locality and ask it, because you will realize that it is not as complex or as expensive as it seems.

Also, with these, you will avoid any problem that may arise with your neighborhood community.

Plan the inconveniences

A reform, in most cases, involves a change of style of the rooms of your home.

For this reason, many times, expenses arise that perhaps we had not contemplated in our initial budget, such as: a change of furniture, vary the decoration … etc.

Express your opinion

If while you are carrying out the integral reform of your hom, and you observe something that you don’t like, don’t you shut up.

Think that, probably, that place will be where you live for a long time and, therefore, you should feel comfortable in it.


As you know, a work requires some time. Don’t be impatient, because when the reform is finished you will be very satisfied.


Are you looking for a professional company that is dedicated to the integral reform of your home in Albir? At Peter Hansen e Hijos SL we will be happy to help you!

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