Construction permits if you want to build a house on the Costa Blanca

To build a house it is necessary to have a big number of permits, but something basic is the construction permit, otherwise nothing can be done.

In this case, if you want to build a house on the Costa Blanca, it is necessary to have a construction and reforms company in Albir, that is specialized in its area and that not only is responsible for obtaining the best results, but also to keep in mind all the necessary permits and licenses.

To build a house on the Costa Blanca

Before beginning the work, all the bureaucratic procedures, papers, licenses, permits, etc, must be taken into account. This is essential, because, if you do not consider it, you will get the work delayed, and there may even be administrative penalties if you start without permission.

The architect in charge of the project is the one who should be in control of managing all the bureaucratic issues, such as the building license, habitability certificate, etc.

On the other hand, we must remember that most of the properties on the Costa Blanca are located on urban land, and planning can differ from one municipality to another, so it is necessary to be informed in depth of everything that is needed to build a house.

The Law Regulating the Urbanistic Activity (LRAU), is applied when the land is divided into zones as developable. It is the City Council that invites the promoters to present their urbanisation plans. At the moment a plan is approved, a new urban area is created, which means that the new owners have their plot included in the urban plan, having to assume part of the cost of the urbanisation.

To finish, in those lands on the Costa Blanca that are classified as rustic and there are no plans to develop them, you can build a house on plots of a minimum of 10,000m² and reform the existing sheds or cabins, but they could not be extended.

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