Offering a house that is sustainable for everyone is one of the objectives and trends of the construction sector. For this reason, a construction and renovation company in Albir uses all our know-how in the architectural plan to achieve it.

At Peter Hansen e Hijos SL we do everything we can to make the house as sustainable as possible.

How to make our home more sustainable?

For all those people who aim to make a sustainable home, we will share some tips that will help to achieve this, such as using LED lighting throughout the house. Not only this lighting is much more respectful with the environment, but it illuminates more than conventional light and consumes much less electricity, which also translates into lower energy bill.

We must bet on the most efficient appliances, the A ++, with which energy expenditure can be reduced by 80%. When we are not going to use an electrical or electronic device, it is not necessary to leave it on standby because it also consumes. You have to turn it off completely and turn it on when it is going to be used again.

Having a good window sealing system can save up to 50% of the heating we use. We can also use a faucet aerator, which will mix water with air and reduce water consumption by up to 30%.

When summer arrives and air conditioning is used, the ideal temperature is 25 degrees, further lowering the temperature would be a waste of energy and could cause health problems, when leaving home with a sudden change in temperatures. The same happens with heating, which during the coldest months should be between 19 and 22 degrees, at most.

We can not forget the tanks of double discharge, with a reduction of water of 50%, to recycle the containers that we spend, to reuse the clothes or products that we are going to throw giving them a new use, etc.

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