Today we’re coming up with some tips to help you keep your house in order. Lack of time and the obligations of daily life often prevent us from devoting as much time as we would like to the organization of our environment.

Let’s go over some practical tricks to avoid chaos taking over our home.

Tips to keep order at home


To keep order at home, it is essential to first become organized.

Most tasks require no more than 15 minutes of our time.

Establish a weekly calendar where you include all the tasks you need to do to keep harmony in your home and keep to the schedule. This will help you avoid wasting time thinking about everything you need to do and will keep your work from piling up.

Practice detachment

In most houses we find things that are never used. Getting rid of clothes and objects that we don’t need will give us much more room in closets and furniture. In addition, many of them can be recycled or reused by someone who really needs them.

It involves everyone

If you live with your partner, have children, or share a house with other people, you must get organized with them and assign each one a daily task. In the case of the youngest ones, who are often responsible for the disorder in the home, you must teach them that they should always pick up their toys before starting to play with different ones.

Everything in its place

Having a place to store everything is fundamental to maintaining order in the house. Any item in your home should be assigned a place to store it when not in use.

Don’t pile on work

Get up in the morning and make your bed. Finish eating and put the dishes in the dishwasher, take a shower and clean the bathroom. These tasks will take you no more than 10 minutes and allow you more free time when you get home.

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