With the arrival of winter and the drop in temperatures, it is inevitable to take measures to keep our homes warm and comfortable. Not all houses have a heating system. The need to reduce energy consumption leads us to seek alternatives to acclimatize the house and successfully overcome the winter period.

How to acclimatize your home against the cold

When we think of acclimatizing our houses against the cold, the word heating immediately comes to mind. Heating has its advantages and disadvantages. Of course they heat our homes, but many people suffer their negative effects in the form of difficulty in breathing, headaches, or dry mouth.

Energy consumption and the problem of carbon dioxide emissions force us, as far as possible, to seek new formulas to avoid the effects of low temperatures.

Some tricks against the cold


5 minutes are enough to ventilate and renew the oxygen in a house. Less time with the windows open is more heat that is retained inside.

Close the doors

The cold comes from outside and spreads throughout the house. If we keep the doors of the rooms we are not in closed, we will form a natural barrier that will greatly reduce its impact.

Duct tape

The holes that are generated in the joints of the windows with the walls are one of the places through which the cold sneaks more. A small inspection armed with adhesive tape can solve this problem. By placing pieces of tape between the windows and the walls we seal the entrance and preserve the heat.

Blankets, hot water bottles and some exercise

All help is welcome. If we keep our body at a good temperature we will notice the cold much less. It is good to have a blanket in every place in the house, use hot water bottles and stay active.

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