What permits do you need to do a home renovation?

If you plan to make a reform in your home, it is essential to inform yourself in advance about the procedures to carry out works at home and avoid any setback or penalty.
Constructions, like so many other things, are not alien to the passage of time. The passing of the years invites you to undertake home improvements. Whether it is to regain lost appeal or simply to improve functionality, home renovations are the most common thing to do.

Procedures to carry out your home renovation

Building licenses are the permits you need to make reforms at home regardless of their size. Given that urban planning competitions are municipal, it will be in the town hall where you must submit your application.

Minor work permit

If you want to make a minor reform at home, in most cases you do not have to request a license, but you do have to make a prior communication, in writing, to your town hall. It is a very simple procedure. It is a simple statement in which you indicate the reform that you have planned at home. Depending on the size of the work, some councils ask you to present a small project or guideline budget (not necessarily done by a professional) and based on this, they determine the rate that you have to pay to obtain the permit (between 2% and 6% of the budget). This type of permit is granted practically immediately or takes a maximum of a few days.

Major work permit

Major works are another matter. In this case, you will have to request it by attaching the documentation requested by your city council (project, habitability certificate, budget). If your reform is of an important caliber, the ideal is to have the appropriate advice so that the project meets all the legal requirements so that the work can be carried out without setbacks. The most advisable thing, for example, to carry out the comprehensive reform of a home is for the company that is going to carry it out to be in charge of requesting the corresponding license.
You can contact us for any questions.

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